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Business lineup

Clinical trials

We offer highly accurate clinical trial evaluations.

Clinical trials

Clinical trials

Since the products we test are for everyday use, we consider it all the more important to evaluate the usability by proving both safety and functionality (efficacy) of the products.

We conduct a variety of clinical trials to test the safety of cosmetic products/quasi-drugs. These tests patch tests, allergy tests (RIPT), measurements of UVA protection factor of a product (UVAPF). We also test for the efficacy of a product’s skin-moisturizing properties, effective skin-barrier function, anti-wrinkle properties , skin-lightening properties, hair growth and so on.

We ensure highly accurate evaluations through the use of suitable monitors, fully-equipped testing facility including laboratories which are maintained at constant-temperature and humidity. Consistent services from the test planning to the result reporting are available. It is also possible to tie up with external organizations and implement the tests at medical facilities


in vitrotests

We ensure that we can deliver the best services as well as the most varied ones to our clients by using our state of the art testing facilities and by tying up with external organizations to expand our testing capabilities.

in vitro試験

In light of the increasing public calls, most notably in the EU, to ban animal testing on cosmetics, we carry out in vitro testing using a variety of cells or enzymes as an alternative to using live animals.

In addition to our own laboratory facilities, we collaborate with external organizations to make it possible to respond to our customer’s requests. Please contact us for other possible tests as we can accept a variety of others aside from the ones listed above.



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06-6882-8201 reception time:weekday 9:00~18:00